Types of Treatments

patient and doctor
Brain tumor expert Dr. Larry Kleinberg with patient.

经验丰富的放射肿瘤学团队擅长用多种放射疗法治疗各种癌症, including proton therapy. All these therapies use high energy, 穿透波或粒子来摧毁癌细胞或阻止它们繁殖. Your medical team will determine the most effective options for you.

Our treatments fall in several types:

Proton therapy

质子治疗是一种靶向放射治疗的形式,它利用被称为质子的正电荷粒子的能量. Protons very precisely zero in on tumors, 将大部分抗癌能量直接传递给癌细胞,同时最大限度地减少辐射暴露和对邻近健康组织和器官的损害. The therapy reduces the risk of late effects after treatment.

Because of its precision, proton therapy makes it possible to treat cancers near delicate organs, such as the spinal cord and heart, and offers a new treatment approach for recurrent cancers. 它还提供了一种安全有效的方法来治疗因其在体内的位置而带来挑战的癌症, 比如脑癌和眼部或颅底及颈部的癌症.

Learn more about Johns Hopkins Proton Therapy Center.


External beam radiation

外部光束辐射将一束高能x射线输送到推荐十大正规网赌平台的肿瘤部位以摧毁癌细胞. 这项技术之所以得名,是因为光束来自外部光源(一种叫做线性加速器的机器),并瞄准肿瘤部位.

约翰霍普金斯大学使用了几种外部光束辐射. They include:

  • Image-guided radiotherapy (IGRT) – This technique uses frequent imaging to display the cancer site, 允许专家提供高度精确和准确的辐射输送. 放射肿瘤学家可以在放射前和放射期间创建和查看肿瘤部位的图像. IGRT对身体移动部位(如肺)或靠近不应接受辐射的主要器官和组织(如心脏或肾脏)的癌症部位特别有帮助。.
  • Intensity-modulated radiation therapy (IMRT) 这种放射技术使用计算机控制的辐射束,结合肿瘤部位和周围区域的三维计算机断层扫描图像. IMRT delivers targeted radiation doses to the tumor site, 通过调节放射光束的强度来匹配肿瘤的形状. 这意味着肿瘤部位在不影响周围器官和组织的情况下接受摧毁癌细胞所需的高剂量.
  • 3D Conformal Radiation Therapy – For this technique, 成像扫描用于创建肿瘤精确形状和大小的三维模型. 然后,多束辐射瞄准肿瘤形状,不影响附近的健康组织.
  • Volumetric Modulated Arc Therapy (VMAT) -单束或多束辐射在患者周围扫描,大大缩短治疗时间. 三维成像技术有助于辐射输送的精度, 使医生能够在治疗时看到肿瘤.
Dr. Redmond with patient
Dr. Kristin Redmond with CyberKnife patient.

Stereotactic Radiosurgery 

Despite the name, 这种治疗是一种非手术放射治疗,可以作为侵入性手术的替代方法. 该技术可以从不同的角度和平面发射多束辐射. 三维图像被用来确定肿瘤的确切位置. 这种疗法可以治疗非常小的肿瘤或那些位于难以触及的地方的肿瘤.

  • Fractionated Radiosurgery (FRS) 使用相同的技术,但治疗可能分散在几天内使用较低剂量的辐射.

Stereotactic Body Radiation Therapy (SBRT)

这种治疗方法使用几种不同强度的光束进行非常高剂量的辐射, and aimed at different angles to target the tumor. The therapy can be given as a single dose or up to several doses.

  • CyberKnife是SBRT的一种,它使用机械臂以不同的方式和不同的角度输送辐射.


Internal Radiation Therapy at Johns Hopkins
Brachytherapy (low-dose rate and high-dose rate): Brachytherapy is a targeted radiation 使用特殊针头或导管输送放射性“种子”或其他治疗方法 radiation source of focused radiation to a tumor. The seeds or radiation source may be inserted 只需几分钟或几小时,然后以高剂量率去除,通常用于 妇科癌症,或留在体内随着时间的推移以低剂量率释放辐射 radiation, as is often used for prostate cancer. At Johns Hopkins, we use brachytherapy to treat prostate, gynecological, head and neck, and other cancers. Uveal melanoma is treated with eye plaque brachytherapy. Brachytherapy can be used as an alternative to surgery to spare organs 或者在手术之外帮助减少癌症复发的机会. Our experts 继续以独特的mri辅助方法推进这种治疗,用于妇科和前列腺癌的治疗, and provide cutting edge approaches to treatment using real-time MR-guided brachytherapy.

Intraoperative radiation therapy provides an intensive, targeted dose of radiation to a 手术中对肿瘤部位,肿瘤切除后,对肿瘤所在区域进行消毒 was located. 它通常在标准放射治疗后给予,并已显示减少 the chance of the cancer coming back. This therapy is particularly effective at treating recurrent tumors and large tumors that adhere to normal tissues. It may cause fewer side effects than traditional external beam radiation treatment.

Radio embolization: 放射性栓塞使用称为微球的微小玻璃或树脂珠来 deliver radiation to a tumor through the bloodstream. These particles are placed inside blood 血管,在那里它们到达肿瘤并传递高剂量的辐射. TheraSphere is one type of radio embolization used at Johns Hopkins to treat liver cancers.

Active Breathing Coordinator (ABC) 
ABC是一种互动装置,在治疗过程中协调呼吸,因为肿瘤可以 shift up and down as a person breathes. This tool, invented by a Johns Hopkins Kimmel Cancer 中心的物理学家,把呼吸锁定在适当的位置在一段短暂舒适的时间内释放辐射 during the optimal times of the breathing cycle.


Radiopharmaceutical Therapies (RPT)

Learn more about Radiopharmaceutical Therapies (RPT). RPTs是用放射性药物靶向癌细胞的全身治疗. RPT的其他术语包括放射配体治疗、分子放射治疗或治疗学. 我们专注于多种类型的rpt,包括用于前列腺癌的Pluvicto (177Lu-PSMA-617), Xofigo (Radium-223) for prostate cancer, and Theraspheres (90Y-microspheres) for cancers involving the liver.

Your Guide to Radiation Therapy