

The 约翰霍普金斯大学药学实习项目 was established to offer pharmacy students with a structured learning experience intended to provide a comprehensive exposure to health system pharmacy practice. Approximately 20 students are hired for the summer at one of our locations—The Johns Hopkins Hospital, 东巴尔的摩校区, 约翰霍普金斯湾景医疗中心, 约翰·霍普金斯家庭护理中心. Based on their assigned location, student interns may require a vehicle for transportation. 


  • Provide student interns with an overview of the current health care environment.
  • Expose student interns to current standards of care and policy driven pharmacy practice unique to hospitals and health-systems.
  • Provide student interns with the opportunity to grow both professionally and personally, 通过与卫生保健专业人员的互动, presentation and project processes and advancement in oral and written skills.
  • Provide student interns with opportunities to become an integral part of the staff in the area they have been assigned.

The start date and completion date for each student intern varies based on the academic calendar for their respective College of 药店. 然而,最晚的开始日期是6月的第一周. Student interns typically work 40 hours per week and must complete a minimum of 9 consecutive weeks.  导师决定计划的工作时间和工作天数. 

The internship program is structured to provide experiences that supplement formal didactic training. The program supports and guides the student intern while allowing them to progress at their own pace, 基于他们的经验和兴趣.  不像学术课程, no grade is given although meetings are scheduled with preceptors to discuss their progress to assure value for the student intern and the 药学系. 实习生的热情和对项目的兴趣, 在某种程度上, 确定他们经验的价值.


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“在整个实习项目中, numerous additional opportunities were provided to enrich our learning and facilitate networking, 包括主题讨论, 研讨会, 读书俱乐部, 一个跨专业的活动, and site visits to the American Society of 健康-System Pharmacists headquarters. These events helped to inculcate us with the values of the profession and provide us with insight into issues impacting pharmacy practice within health-systems. 我们都获得了宝贵的经验, 专业的联系, 我们会珍惜一生的友谊. 当我们离开时, we felt a profound sense of gratitude for the lasting impact it will have on our journeys as future pharmacists."

sin Behrendt-McLeroy,博士候选人2025

整个实习项目, numerous additional opportunities were provided to enrich our learning and facilitate networking, 包括主题讨论, 研讨会, 读书俱乐部, 一个跨专业的活动, and site visits to the American Society of 健康-System Pharmacists headquarters. These events helped to inculcate us with the values of the profession.

“实习经历比我想象的要多. In just 9 short weeks I was able to challenge myself to take on and complete new projects, attend topic discussions and immerse myself in conversations with pharmacists who are so passionate about their contribution to the field of pharmacy. 除了, I was able to expose myself to the different areas in pharmacy that I did not even realize existed. 做最好的自己, 做一个榜样, 是开放的, be kind – I will carry these core values of Johns Hopkins as I complete my education and start my career in pharmacy. The Johns Hopkins mission to set the standard of excellence in medical education, research and clinical care is encouraging and eye opening to opportunities that are out there for the new generation of pharmacists, 像我这样的. 我将永远珍惜这次奇妙的经历."

Emily Ganeshan, 2025年药学博士候选人
D 'Youville大学

"My days began with a warm good morning and ended with a sense of accomplishment. 每次我走进医院, 对于这一天将要发生的事情,我充满了期待和乐观. It was always something new and exciting such as a last-minute meeting or making those tough decisions behind the scenes that no one really sees. 我从不觉得自己渺小, even when surrounded by greatness and that is what helped reassure me that I was in the right place and that I could see myself working here in the future. 创新, 文化, 无论你在医院的哪个地方,热情都是显而易见的, 而且它具有很强的传染性. Everyone was welcoming and ready to give me a helping hand when I needed it the most. 当我展望未来的时候, I have high hopes because the sky's the limit at Johns Hopkins Hospital and it feels as though anything is possible if you put your mind to it."

Kavitha Sukumar, 2025年药学博士候选人

我从不觉得自己渺小, even when surrounded by greatness and that is what helped reassure me that I was in the right place and that I could see myself working here in the future.

"Someone once told me “Whatever makes you uncomfortable is your biggest opportunity for growth.” Each day presented me with a new set of challenges to overcome and projects to complete. 尽管一开始感到紧张, I made a commitment to myself at the beginning of the summer to take these challenges as an opportunity to grow. Having this mindset has allowed me to make the most of each opportunity presented to me this summer, 提高我的领导能力, 临床知识, 以及对药学领域的热情. 约翰霍普金斯大学的文化是鼓励学习的, 拥抱从失败中学习, 并将推荐十大正规网赌平台护理放在他们所做的一切工作的首位, aligning with the values I have carried with me through my pharmacy journey. Walking into work each day where this is the 文化 allowed me to view my project work differently. Rather than having to be always driven by results and work towards completion, 我能够专注于过程,并加强我的项目技能. 整个夏天, 我长得比我想象的要多, 从我的项目技能到领导能力和机会. From resident panels and topic discussions to presenting my project at the end of the internship, each opportunity challenged how I thought and made me see things from a new perspective. I am more excited than ever for a career in pharmacy because of my time with Johns Hopkins."

Logan Gaskill, 2025年药学博士候选人