癌症和荷尔蒙状况的护理 内分泌外科手术

约翰霍普金斯内分泌外科 provides state-of-the art surgical care of endocrine diseases (thyroid, 甲状旁腺和肾上腺). Endocrine diseases are those that affect hormone producing glands of the body and require specialized care. At Johns Hopkins, 我们的团队与内分泌学专家合作, 超声和诊断成像, nuclear medicine, pathology, genetics and oncology to offer a comprehensive approach tailored to each person's needs. Research informs every aspect of your care to ensure that you have benefit from cutting-edge treatment options.


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在提供推荐十大正规网赌平台护理的同时,我们还进行研究 our outcomes and endocrine surgical diseases to ensure we are providing the best and most effective care.



We partner with endocrinology, pathology, radiology and oncology experts to provide quality care. Our team reviews each patient's condition at tumor board meetings for multidisciplinary care. Our pathologists and radiologists can provide a second opinion for your diagnosis.

endocrine surgery - illustration of three diverse healthcare professionals


Our endocrine surgeons are fellowship-trained  and accredited by the American Association of Endocrine Surgeons. We are experienced in the treatment of common and unusual endocrine conditions, 包括那些需要初次手术和复发手术的患者. 



我们的外科医生治疗以下内分泌疾病. 了解有关这些条件的更多信息. 





  • 多发性内分泌肿瘤(MEN1, MEN2A, MEN2B)
  • 家族性甲状腺髓样癌
  • 家族性甲状腺乳头状癌
  • 琥珀酸脱氢酶突变(SDH)
  • Paraganglioma



Active Research

Our team conducts ongoing research aimed to improve the treatment 和生活质量 for people with endocrine conditions. Learn more about areas of research related to thyroid, parathyroid and adrenal surgery.

Thyroid Research

  • 共同决策: Research on this concept evaluates how shared decision-making related to the extent of thyroid surgery is influenced by the patient's gender, race, ethnicity, 以及社会地位.
  • 声音和吞咽变化: We are conducting an observational study to understand how thyroid and parathyroid surgery performed without any complications impacts a person's voice, swallowing, 和生活质量. The goal is to identify patients who are at risk of these subtle but important changes after thyroidectomy and 甲状旁腺切除术 and find solutions to improve outcomes.
  • Health Literacy: Our team is conducting a study determine how patients select the best thyroid surgery for them when there are multiple options. Our goal is to learn how patients best understand their treatment options to improve patient education to assist them in making the most informed choice and the best one for them.

Adrenal Research

  • 肾上腺切除术后的生活质量: 我们的团队正在进行研究 评估生活质量的个人与 库兴氏综合征 在接受肾上腺切除术后. Patients who have an adrenal nodule and 库兴氏综合征 (excessive steroid hormone) have many challenging symptoms including a change in appearance (round, puffy face), buffalo hump (an increase in fat pads just below the back of the neck), 躯干肥胖(腹部周围体重增加), 肌肉萎缩导致虚弱的肌肉萎缩, easy bruising, 女性面部毛发, 腹部有紫色的“妊娠纹”, easy infections, 皮肤变薄,容易擦伤或出血, 高血压, 以及情绪从高到低的变化. 一些过量类固醇的患者双肾上腺有结节. We are examining whether quality of life is better for patients who have one adrenal gland removed (腹腔镜肾上腺切除术)或双侧肾上腺切除(双侧肾上腺切除术).


  • 高甲状旁腺激素(PTH): We are enrolling patients in a clinical study to help understand how high PTH levels can affect the heart and brain. Specifically, we are studying how high PTH impacts your mood and how you think (cognitive function). 高甲状旁腺激素对每个人的影响并不相同 . We are working to identify other blood markers that can predict which patients with hyperparathyroidism will develop changes in cognitive function so we can work to prevent them.



Endocrine surgeon provide surgical treatment for thyroid, parathyroid and adrenal conditions. 我们的外科医生对内分泌学有全面的了解, radiology, 病理学和肿瘤学, collaborating with specialists to determine which treatment options would be best for your endocrine condition.


