Mom strapping a biking helmet onto her child's head.
Mom strapping a biking helmet onto her child's head.
Mom strapping a biking helmet onto her child's head.

Sports Safety for Children

Sports are great for children. Sports can help a child's physical coordination, fitness, and self-esteem. Sports can also teach children about teamwork and self-discipline.

But children are more likely get injured when playing a sport. This is because their body is still growing and their coordination is still developing.

10 Tips for Preventing Sports Injuries in Kids and Teens

Child with a baseball glove sitting with his father and grandfather, smiling for the camera

Young athletes today push themselves harder than ever before, which means they’re at greater risk for sports-related injuries. Pediatric sports medicine expert R. Jay Lee provides these 10 injury prevention tips to help keep your young athlete safe.

Most childhood sports injuries occur when:

  • Kids don’t know what to do to stay safe when playing a sport

  • Kids don’t have the right equipment to play a sport – or don’t have any equipment at all

  • Kids aren’t in good physical shape to play the sport

These safety tips can help prevent sports injuries in children:

  • Children should wear the correct safety gear and equipment.

  • The playing field or court should be safe.

  • Team members and teams should be made up of children of similar size, skill level, and physical and emotional maturity.

  • Children should be physically fit and mentally prepared.

  • Children practicing a sport should be watched by an adult who enforces the safety rules.

  • Children should get enough fluids during and after sports.

Sports Injury Prevention

Heat-Related Illness and Young Athletes: 3 Important Things Parents and Coaches Need to Know

Heat-related illness is a serious concern for everyone who is exercising during extreme summer heat. Most at risk: young athletes who may not know when to take a break and cool down. Learn what parents can do to help prevent their children from experiencing heat-related illness.

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