A variety of pills lay on a blue background.
A variety of pills lay on a blue background.
A variety of pills lay on a blue background.

Medication Management and Safety Tips

Managing medications can be complicated, 特别是如果你正在服用几种治疗不同疾病的处方药. Over 20% of U.S. adults age 40 and older take five or more prescription drugs. 最好的方法是:“当你同时使用几种药物时,要积极主动,”药房的Jessica Merrey说.D., 约翰霍普金斯医院的首席门诊临床药学专家和认证老年药剂师. “Taking medications as directed by your doctor, getting refills on time, 对副作用和相互作用保持警惕都有助于保持健康.”


Follow medication schedules and doses

  • Understand your medication routine. 与药剂师确认每种药物的确切剂量和时间. Follow the schedule exactly, and take the exact dose prescribed. 如果需要,记住哪些药物需要空腹服用或与食物一起服用.
  • Double check information with your pharmacist. 每次您填写或开始一个新的处方时,请与您的药剂师核实您的信息,以保持您在轨道上.

Here are some tips to stick to your medication schedule:

  • Write down the medication schedule and track changes. Place your daily medication routine on a calendar or chart. 可打印的用药时间表模板可在网上获得,使您更容易. Update your schedule each time your medicine changes.
  • Keep your schedule in an obvious place. Try putting the schedule in a place you see often, like the door of your refrigerator or of a kitchen cabinet.
  • Make taking your medications part of your daily routine. 梅里建议:“试着在你的手机、手表或闹钟上设置计时器。. “你可能总是在刷牙后或吃早餐前服用.”

Consider a pill organizer

使用一个每周或每天服药的文件夹——尤其是当你同时服用几种药物的时候——来帮助你确保在正确的时间服用正确的剂量. “A pillbox with compartments for each day of the week — and for morning, 中午和晚上,如果你一天服用几次药物-让你一眼就知道你是否已经服用了你的药物,” Merrey says. Ask at your pharmacy what pill organizers are available. Smartphone or computer-based apps may also help.

目前不在药盒里的药物应该保存在原来的容器里. The labels include important information such as the medicine name, dosage, clinician’s name and the expiration date. 关于储存的说明和一些主要副作用的信息也在标签上.

Make sure all clinicians know what medications you take

If you go to different clinicians for different conditions, 告诉他们你正在服用的所有药物是非常重要的. It may help to carry a list with you at all times.

  • Use a medicine wallet card. 询问药剂师是否有药品钱包卡,或者自己制作. 这张卡片可以帮助你随身携带最新的药品清单.
  • Make sure your pharmacy has a record of all the medicines you take. 用你的药物清单让你的药剂师知道你所有的处方药和非处方药. “不要以为你所有的医生和临床医生都知道你所有的药物,”梅里说. “A list is essential. 它还可以帮助你的医生寻找任何副作用或相互作用的来源.”
  • Try filling your prescriptions at one pharmacy. 这使得获得处方补充更简单,并帮助您的药剂师保护您免受药物相互作用. “Using one pharmacy keeps your medication records in one place, 因此,药剂师可以评估你的风险,并与你的医生一起避免潜在的问题,” says Merrey.
  • Tell your physicians, clinicians and your pharmacist about your allergies. They can keep that important information in your records. 在服用新的处方之前,一定要确认它不会与你的过敏反应相互作用.
  • Never stop taking a medicine on your own. Always get your physician or clinician’s guidance. Some medicines must be stopped gradually to avoid complications. 如果药物使你感到不舒服或产生难以忍受的副作用, ask about adjusting the dose or changing the medicine.
  • Review your medications annually. Once each year, toss everything you take (prescriptions, 非处方药和补品)装在袋子里,带着它去做年度检查. “随着年龄的增长,身体吸收和分解药物的方式也不同,”梅里说. “你的医生可能会改变你长期使用的药物的剂量.”

Manage medications safely

在哪里存放药物以及如何服用会对药物的有效性和安全性产生重大影响. 向你的医生和临床医生询问你应该注意的可能的副作用或药物相互作用. Confirm the best place to store your medicines in your home. Most importantly, 知道如果你有不良反应或服用与处方不同的处方时该打电话给谁.

  • Store medicines in a proper location. Medication should always be stored safely in a dry, cool place. For this reason, avoid keeping prescriptions in the bathroom.
  • Keep medicine in a childproof place. If children are around, keep medicine containers out of reach, especially those without childproof caps. 一些药物有鲜艳的颜色和形状,孩子们会误认为是糖果.
  • Take medicine in a safe environment. Never take medicine in the dark or when you are tired or distracted. You might take the wrong medicine or too much. Ask for help, if needed, to find and take the correct medicine.
  • Take only your own prescriptions. Never take medicines prescribed for someone else.
  • Ask your pharmacist before drinking alcohol. Some medications interact poorly with alcohol. 询问你的医生或药剂师在服用任何处方药或非处方药时是否安全.

Managing Expired or Discontinued Medications

如果你的医生告诉你停药,立即处理掉它. Also dispose of medications that are expired. Do not keep them for future needs. 如果你不小心服用了这种药物,你可能会有副作用或药物相互作用.

Proper Disposal of Expired or Discontinued Medication

有些药物是有害的,如果儿童或其他人不小心服用,可能会致命. It is important to always dispose of medications properly. Inquire at your pharmacy about medicine take back programs in your area. If one is not available, 按照药品标签上的处置说明或随附的患者信息.

If no instructions are given, crush and mix medicines with coffee grounds, cat litter or food scraps, 然后将它们密封在袋子或容器中(如罐子或人造黄油桶),并将它们丢弃在常规垃圾箱中.

Ask your pharmacist about affordable alternatives

If you’re having difficulty paying for medications, don’t hesitate to ask about lower cost options such as generic drugs. “Taking multiple medications doesn’t have to be expensive,” notes Merrey. “如果你在药店买药时对药价感到惊讶,不要走开. 让药剂师和你的医生谈谈其他的选择,或者指导你参加处方药援助项目.”

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We recognized the importance of family caregivers, 以及伴随照顾而来的身体和情感压力. 听听约翰霍普金斯湾景如何准备和支持那些照顾与健康有关的需求或限制的亲人. 

Get Your Medications from a Johns Hopkins Medicine Pharmacy

Pharmacist giving medications to a patient
从日常处方需要到专业药物和输液治疗, Johns Hopkins Medicine’s pharmacies offer a range of medications, as well as patient education and counseling. With pharmacies across the Baltimore area, 我们的团队提供个性化服务,关注您的健康和安全.

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